Christmas Themed Tattoos

Christmas Themed Tattoos

Joy to the world, tattoo studios are back and reopened following lockdown 2.0! Just in time for you to get all inked-up for the holidays. Or to wish for donations for your next piece. While Christmas may certainly look a little different this year, it is still a time to tune into a spirit of generosity, and to focus on family – the one we were given at birth or the one we have chosen – friends and, of course, some epic body art. Especially since we are most likely not off to any far-flung winter sun destination this year, which will give our new pieces an ample amount of time to heal. 

Or maybe, this is the perfect time to gift someone (their first?) tattoo? You can always find gift cards in the Vivid Ink shop. And what better present when living in a world that could do well to ease up on material consumption?  

Vivid Ink Gift cardsHoliday-influenced body art

The festive season comes at the darkest time of the year (and what a year it has been) to brighten up our existence with lights, food and music. No matter how you may feel about carols or ‘Last Christmas’, they are still a significant part of celebrating. How could we ever commemorate the birth of Jesus without Wham? 

However, the holidays also exert their fair share of influence on body art. Whether that is whimsical cheery bright and colourful pieces, portraits of Tim Burton’s ‘Nightmare before Christmas’ protagonists Jack the Pumpkin King or Sally the beautiful ragdoll, or ironic Neo-traditional angry gingerbread men, the season of giving and tattooing go hand in hand. 

SnowflakesFrom literal on the red nose to symbolic snowflakes

You could, of course, go entirely literal with it. What better way to show your love for the holidays (all year round no less) than to get a Father Christmas portrait on your thigh, or a well-lit and decorated Christmas tree on your shoulder, or a rendition of the Grinch on your forearm? Or, perhaps, you would like something relating to the season but not too much on the red-nosed reindeer, as it were. 

Snowflakes make beautiful homages to a winter wonderland that is sadly fading from many parts of the world, even the traditionally white Christmas-y ones. They also represent impermanence and teach us not to grasp or hold on too tightly to delicate things, but rather to appreciate what is right in front of us in the present moment. And as no snowflake is never exactly alike another, it also celebrates our own inherent uniqueness and our diversity. Plus they are really, really pretty when done right. 

Holiday spirit from screen to skin The nightmare before Christmas

If you are into films, there are also several movies that invoke Xmas. How about Bruce Willis going Yippii-ki-yay MF or a portrait of Kevin McCallister’s iconic scream from Home Alone (hey, to each their own)? Or maybe a beautiful realistic piece of the train from The Polar Express? We have already mentioned fan favourite Nightmare Before Christmas, but there are so many scenes in it that make for epic tattoos. 

Of course, you could also take your own favourite character and put a Christmas spin on it. We have seen a Yoda in Santa Claus costume circulating the internet. Whatever you choose, holiday-related or not, this is the time to ask all your family to chip in for your next piece of body art –  so that they can admire it when we are back to celebrating altogether next year. 


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