End 2020 on a High – How Getting a Tattoo Can Boost Your Mood

End 2020 on a High – How Getting a Tattoo Can Boost Your Mood

It is the darkest time of the year. And we still have another two weeks to go before the winter solstice as the light begins to come back just before Christmas. Seasonal affective disorder, aptly abbreviated SAD, is a winter-related depression that affects as many as 29% of the adult population in the UK. Add to that a year filled with uncertainty, lockdowns, concerns for oneself and loved ones, along with the certain prospect of a very different Christmas this year, and it has all the potential of being, well, not a very cheery season at all. 

Medusa Tattoo
Stunning Medusa by Mel from Vivid Ink Stafford

Easing out of lockdown with something to look forward to

Tattooing is somewhat of a high-way to accessing the feel-good hormones that our body has a hard time manufacturing deprived of sunlight, social contacts and, for many of us, physical touch. Not to mention the fact that planning and anticipating our next piece of body art gives us something to look forward to. This in itself should not be underestimated when it seems as if spring and travel and hugs are simply constructs of our imagination; something we dreamt of once upon a time long ago. 

In wait for a broader roll-out of a vaccine, getting yourself under a different kind of needle may be just the ticket for jumpstarting your energy levels and happy-hormones to help get you through until the sun – and social life – begins to return. As if the joy of seeing that new piece on your skin wasn’t enough motivation, let’s take a look at exactly how getting inked can affect your mood. 

Odin themed tattoo
Fresh-out-of-lockdown Odin-themed piece by Ceco from Vivid Ink Sutton.

The mood-boosting effects of getting inked

When your body is under stress – yes, even for those who do not feel especially flustered about the whole tattoo process, your body still considers having a needled repeatedly inserted into its protective casing a stressful event – it releases adrenaline. This results in a sudden burst of energy which is often called an adrenaline rush. This may cause your heart rate to spike, make you feel as if your senses are heightened, and, thankfully, make you feel less pain. It can also shake you out of that inertia which has taken hold from one too many Netflix binges. 

Furthermore, when you are in pain or injured, your body automatically releases the feel-good hormones known as endorphins. These little natural mood-enhancers are also activated after a hard workout, good sex, or while eating. This neurochemical latches on to the opioid receptors in our brain, helping us feel happier and more content without any side effects or comedowns. It’s not entirely certain that the greater the pain, the more endorphins, but by all means, go ahead and schedule a back-of-the-knee session and let us know.

colourful rose
Colourful and bright rose by Charley from Vivid Ink Birmingham.

The chemical alterations that receiving a tattoo causes in your body may not be a cure for SAD or the pandemic-induced blues. However, we can state with some certainty that it definitely would not hurt (well, maybe just a little), and may bring a sense of joy and fulfilment to what has been a gloomier season than usual. 

Sharing is caring

Of course, joy is always greater when it is shared. So to turn on the Christmas cheer for you or a fellow ink lover, head on over to Vivid Ink’s shop, pick up a gift certificate, and maybe instead of that bigger piece you could split the funds and get two smaller ones for the pair of you. That way you will have turned the last few weeks of 2020 into something to remember for a good reason. And what a wonderful way of getting back at this year wouldn’t that be? 


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